Coastal Cruisin' Fleet & Rental Management Company
Branding, logo design, and website for a fleet management company

Coastal Cruisin' is a company dedicated to managing rental cars for their clients, they are based in Florida and rely not only in tourism but also in the local residents due to the location which is the "Pan Handle". They want to appeal to locals because they believe the tourism industry is saturated and locals would also bring more steady business for their rentals. They wanted a logo that would appeal to tourists and also to locals looking to ether rent from them or use their business as a rental manager for their cars. That's where I came in!
The Challenge
Usually with a luxury car brand you wanna see super cars portrayed to establish a high end brand connected to the high end lifestyle, but this demographic is more about off-roading and the outdoor lifestyle, In order to appeal to them we needed to have a logo that would exude adventure and off roading, what more iconic car than the legendary Jeep.
The Process
It was very interesting playing with negative space and balancing the logo well, we needed to make sure the logo fit in all areas of applications from contracts to social media, we also implemented different aspects of the demographic lifestyle that would appeal to them.

Final Design!

Web Site is a beautiful site created using Webflow, the site was created with the intention to attract new clients to using the fleet management service, but there is also a section of the site dedicated to customers who have rented a car, where they can find basic instructions for pick up and drop off
The colors look beautiful and the site was created to have plenty of traffic catering to both spectrums of potential clients, wether that is renting a specific car of having Coastal Cruisin' manage your car to rent to customers!

Final Thoughts
This project cemented in me how much I love working with negative space and having the opportunity to add my own flare to this art form was a lot of fun, creating the site was a lot of work but the end result was very rewarding! the client is very happy and we continue to update the site as more cars are being added to the fleet!
Thank you for stopping by!